Implications of the WTO Membership on the Nepalese Agriculture

Implications of the WTO Membership
the Nepalese Agriculture

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
United Nations Development Programme

In collaboration with

Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives,
His Majesty’s Government of Nepal



Acknowledgement and Abbreviations
Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview
Chapter 2: Agreement on Agriculture: Domestic Support Measures
Chapter 3: Agreement on Agriculture: Market Access
Chapter 4: Agreement on Agriculture: Export Competition
Chapter 5: The SPS Agreement:Trade in Food Products
Chapter 6: The SPS Agreement:Trade in Live Animals and Animal Products
Chapter 7: The SPS Agreement:Trade in Plants and Plant Products
Chapter 8: Agreement on Trips:Legal Framework for Plant variety Protection
Chapter 9: The Trips Agreement:Potential Products for Geographical Indications
Chapter 10: Import Surge and Trade Remedy Measures
Chapter 11: Nepal-India Trade Treaty and WTO Compatibility
Chapter 12: Foreign Direct Investment in Agriculture and Agro-Industries
Chapter 13: Trend in Backward Linkages and Domestic Sourcing of Raw Materials by Agro-Industries
Chapter 14: Commodity Case Study - Tea
Chapter 15: Commodity Case Study - Vegetable Ghee
Chapter 16: Commodity Case Study - Fruits
Chapter 17: Commodity Case Study - Poultry Products
Chapter 18: Commodity Case Study - Vegetable Seeds

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© FAO 2004